A trip down memory lane!
Video production in Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City Video Production has come a long way since the early 80’s! Back in the day, I was an early BMX’er (Bicycle Motocross.) We would ride our bikes everywhere. Racing was fun, but getting Rad was what it was all about!
The filming of my first music video

One day we were riding a super dope halfpipe that Vince Adams’ dad had built.
A BYU film student stopped and asked us if he could film us and make a video. Of course we said yes!
Back in those days, there was no digital video, it was all analog. So the camera he was using recorded to a magnetic tape, editing was an extensive time consuming process. Unlike today with digital editing, with linear analog editing, it had to be done in sequential order, and if you made a mistake, it meant starting over.
He made an awesome video and layered over Queen’s hit song “Bicycle” in the video for the soundtrack! He invited us over to BYU to watch it. I remember how stoked I was to see myself on the monitor getting RAD!
The 80’s was an epic time for filmmaking in Utah
Two of my all time favorites were:
Footloose was filmed in Utah County, I remember watching them film the dance scene at the old High Spot Diner on 500 west in Provo Utah. The thing that was amazing is that they shot the scene at night, so when the movie came out and it was shown as a daylight scene after church on Sunday, I was scratching my head trying to figure out how they did that?
Better off Dead featured a young “John Cusak” as a heartbroken suicidal teen. This Salt Lake City Video Production was mainly filmed in and around the Salt Lake City area.
Although it just had average sales at the box office, it has become one of the most popular movies from the 80’s and is a cult classic! It had an epic score of 80’s music with some really great songs. One memorable scene is the ClayMation dream sequence with Van Halen’s “Everybody Wants Some” the other favorite is the recurring Paperboy with the Iconic Quote “ I want my 2 dollars”
Most of the ski footage was filmed at Snowbird Ski Resort. I fondly remember growing up, and skiing at Snowbird, so it was great to see it in the movie! Most of the scenes other than the skiing were filmed in an unincorporated area of Salt Lake County, now the area is the city of Cottonwood Heights.
We have done a lot of filming in this area over the years. Here is a video we created for them featuring City Mayor Mike Weichers, JetBlue founder: David Neeleman and also Post Malone!

I also have very fond memories of riding the totally awesome skatepark Rocky Mountain Surf. It is long since gone, but it was located right off of Fort Union Blvd. At about 2300 east. Right about where Einstein’s Bagels is located now.
Not Filmed in utah but worth mentioning
I know the movie Rad was not filmed in Utah, but it could have been. I just can’t help bringing it up because it was so great to see it on the big screen! There was nothing more I loved doing than getting “RAD” although the movie was filmed in Canada, the scenery could have easily been filmed in Salt Lake City or many other mountain filled cities in Utah. I could go on and on, but I think I will rap it up here.
This nostalgic trip down memory lane has been fun! I am sitting here smiling as I reflect on the past and write this post!
If you are searching for video production companies near me,
Levitate Media Group Is a top local Salt Lake City Video Production Company, we provide all Utah video production services, we also travel to film content and love doing what we do! If you are looking to create any digital content, commercials, social media, how to’s client testimonials or anything else we want to help! If you have questions, we have answers! Let’s Talk!