A promotional video is a unique and successful way of promoting your business. We want to share and give you the best advice in helping with the filming of your elevator pitch and promotional video. We are going to focus simply on the videos and clips that are typically launched on Kickstarter, GoFundMe, or your social media account. These are tips that we have found to be beneficial to our clients that have filmed their elevator pitch and promotional videos with Levitate Media Group.
Be Authentic in your Promotional Video
This is the biggest and most important aspect of any promotional video that you put online for your company. Essentially, you are creating a voice for your business and brand and it is important to always stick to the same voice/persona. We say this because it’ll make it easier to move forward and make decisions about your business and for real-life encountering. For example, if you released a video online of yourself and someone came up to you in the grocery store, you should be able to easily reflect that same person that was on the video.

Show Where You Started and Where You Want to Go
Everyone loves a good success story. It’s inspiring and people like to see growth within others and use that motivation for themselves. With your Levitate promotional video you should give background on your business and introduce yourself to those new viewers. Start out with where you started and show the process that you have completed to become who you are. Finally, show where you want to go. Give the audience your plans of growing as a business and how you will accomplish your goals.
Tell Viewers What You’re Going to Tell Them,
Tell Them, Tell Them
Continuing from telling your possible customers/investors about where you’ve been and where you’ll be going, you’re going to do a lot of rephrasing. Words are powerful tools, but not everyone hears the same way. That is why rephrasing has become a quintessential part with videoing your promotion. Pick out the important phrases that you want your listeners to hear and try rephrasing them in 2-3 different ways. Use them throughout the promotional video with different shots and for the opportune moment for the viewer to understand.
Relax and Let Levitate Take Care of You
One of the best and most often heard compliments Levitate receives is, how nervous the clients were, but how comfortable Michael and the Levitate team made them feel. It is imperative to the Levitate team that our clients feel comfortable during the filming process, and our team does a great job of putting you at ease, asking the right questions and giving you the feedback necessary to shoot a great promotional video. We want to showcase your business and you in the “Best Light Possible”.
These are the best four tips we have given our clients while filming their Levitate video. They are tried and true and ultimately produce the best videos for clients. Check out promotional videos on our media channel on YouTube.